Tag: Suspenseful

My writing sample

Buenos dias!

I’m working a piece of writing I’m quite proud of it. It’s a first person Sci-Fi story about space. I will keep working on it and try finish it.


                                                                      TAKE HEED OF ALPHA CENTAURI


Day 1.  Year 2140


Scientists have discovered a way to get to Alpha Centauri. A little more than 100 years ago we all thought that getting to the moon was a big project. Now we can get to Pluto whenever we like. We have already built cities on the Moon and on Mars and we have no trouble building flying cities on the Gas Giants. 


The scientists have created a way to make a wormhole. They will use this to get to Alpha Centauri).Like a portal for one way to another, but bigger for space ships to fit in. They are testing this very moment.


They are going to pick the best and most trained Astronauts. Commanders, Generals, the ones who have won space wars against the aliens and intruders to our solar system…. I am one of them. They have chosen me with others. I don’t know how to feel. Happy, Worried, what will we encounter there?


Day 2.


They are testing the wormhole now. I am here watching. “3…2…1!!!” A scientist flips a very big lever… A spherish cloud levitates at eye height. Lightning flashes around it. Now it ‘s growing. More and more until it has grown big enough to fit our space ship ‘Genesis 101’.


But I don’t see through it. It’s just black. “What’s going on?” I ask a scientist. “It’s fine, we just need to open another wormhole connected to this one on Alpha Centauri”. “How will we open one there!?! Its so far!!” “We’re one step ahead of you Comrade, we’ve sent a machine there a few days ago, so it should open……Now!” He pushes a button. “Uhhhhh … .Now!… What’s going on? It’s supposed to open!” the scientist said, confused.

 “Uhhh Batteries?” Another scientist suggests. “I have already put them in there…” “Send another one to Alpha Centauri but with a camera with it.” I exclaim. “S-sure, I will (WHY DOESN’T IT WORK!?!?!?).”


I head home and sleep.


Day 3


I stay home and do some training. I have to stay fit. Waiting until they call me saying that they’re ready.

 I head to the lab to see how the construction is going. They are very busy now. I just watch and try not to interrupt.

 I am called by the captain of the expedition. “Roland Cagey.” “Yes, sir?” I answer. “We have a problem.” “What is it, sir?” “One of our crewmates is dying.” “What? How?” “We don’t know, it’s not normal. Blood is coming out of every hole on head and he’s just wriggling around like a drying up worm out of the ground “”Why don’t you help??” “Because pretty much every two seconds he just levitates about a metre in the air.” “I’m going there to help! We can’t let anyone from this expedition die! We were all chosen for specific reasons!! Where are you.” “I sent the coords to you on your phone.” “I’m going there now.” 


I grab my car and drive there as quickly as I can. When I get there, I just see the Captain and some other crewmates pale. What I see infront of meis something I will never forget… it’s-.. it’s-…….